Saturday, September 26, 2009

Where I Am From And Where I Want To Go

I was born in a rural community in the Great Smokey Mountains of North Carolina. Many people might think I would be culture shocked coming to live in a city for my college education. On the contrary, I have traveled to Romania, China, Germany, England, India and a few countries in Africa. I have also traveled to Mississippi, Middle Earth and Outer Space. Well, maybe I have not been to any of these places physically. I have, however, read about them and so I feel like I have been there in some way. Other than going to school and playing soccer there was not a lot to do in my hometown. I spent a lot of my youth reading for entertainment and I cannot say I regret a single book. Through books, I learned so much about people, places, ideas, and events that I never felt like I would have really missed television. Don’t get me wrong, I love movies. I just believe in books and everything they have to offer us. It is my love of books that has lead me to study literature and the composition of it. It is my love for and interest in people that has lead me to teaching. As I finish my last year at UNCG, I look forward to the future of sharing my love of books with students. Hopefully, they will see what books can do for them.

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